
Faith Formation for Adults

Faith Formation for Adults

Second Presbyterian is known for its emphasis on education. Discipleship is always a “work in process.” At Second Presbyterian, faith formation for adults strives to offer multiple opportunities for faith to be nurtured, opportunities to grow in wisdom and understanding, and opportunities to deepen knowledge of Biblical story. Adult faith formation offers intergenerational opportunities to learn, grow and fellowship with one another in the faith.

Program Year

Sunday School is offered September – May at 9:45 a.m. (beginning Sept. 10, 2023).
*View the 2024-25 Christian Education Booklet for details about educational opportunities for all ages!

Weekly Sunday School Classes @ 9:45 a.m.

Many of our adult classes are offered via a hybrid (on site/online) model. For more information or to receive the Zoom link for any of our adult Sunday or midweek classes, please contact Pastors’ Assistant Meredith Koliba in the church office.

  • Reformed and Always Reforming (Trent Classroom/Hybrid):
    • Tackling Reformed theological topics, Reformed and Always Reforming is a class that welcomes your questions and loves a good discussion. This fall, the group will focus on the book Life
      Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most by Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun and Ryan McAnnally-Linz. What makes a good life? The question is inherent to the human condition, asked by people across generations, professions, and social classes, and addressed by all schools of philosophy and religions. This search for meaning, as Yale faculty Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, and Ryan McAnnally-Linz argue, is at the crux of a crisis that is facing Western culture, a crisis that, they propose, can be ameliorated by searching, in one’s own life, for the underlying truth. Drawing from the major world religions and from impressively truthful and courageous secular figures, Life Worth Living is a guide to life’s most pressing question, the one asked of all of us: How are we to live?
  • The Open Door Class (Session Room/Hybrid):
    • Join the Open Door as they tackle two books this fall, Baptizing America, by Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood, and Wholehearted Faith, by Rachel Held Evans.
    • Christian Nationalism presents an existential threat to both Christ’s church and American democracy. In the face of such a threat, Baptizing America provides an urgent examination and an enlightening critique, exposing dangerous undercurrents of Christian Nationalism. How can Mainline Protestants spot such practices in their own activities? This book and the class’ discussion will be a crucial call to reckon with such influences today.
    • Wholehearted Faith is a posthumously published book written by Rachel Held Evans with the help of her close friend Jeff Chu. At the time of Rachel Held Evans’ tragic death in 2019, she was working on a new book about wholeheartedness. That work-in-progress has been woven together with some of her other unpublished writings into a rich collection of essays that ask candid questions about the stories we’ve been told—and the stories we tell—about our faith, our selves, and our world. This book is for the doubter and the dreamer, the seeker and the sojourner, those who long for a sense of spiritual wholeness as well as those who have been hurt by the Church but can’t seem to let go of the story of Jesus.
  • Covenant Conversation (Reading Room/Hybrid):
    • This fall, the Covenant Class kick off the fall with stories from the New Testament book of Acts. Luke is the guide as the class relives the events of the early church. Catch the wind of the same spirit that brings renewed life to today’s Christians. Participants will visit the key personalities, review their activities, reflect on their meaning, and discover their message to the Church today. Following the study on Acts, Covenant Conversation will ask the question, “Why Presbyterians are Like That?” This published series includes Bible Studies intended to help participants think about why Presbyterians are the way we are. Like most Christians throughout history, Presbyterians affirm the faith articulated in the Nicene Creed and Apostles Creed. Presbyterians are distinguished by the particular ways we live out our faith in Jesus. We don’t claim to be the only Christians who emphasize the elements of Christian faith discussed in this bible study, but we do believe that these common emphases and themes mark us as distinctive in the Christian family.
  • Words on the Word (Hospitality Room, In Person):
    • Scripture ought to be the plumbline for everything we do as Christians, yet how often do we truly examine God’s Word? Dust off your nightstand or bookshelf Bible and explore it with others in this new weekly adult Sunday School class. Words on the Word seeks to provide a weekly opportunity for you to dive into scripture using a lectionary based adult curriculum called Feasting on the Word. Guided by the class facilitators, group discussions will center around Old or New Testament texts and their origin and meaning for our lives today. Come and discover why we are called to study and examine God’s Living Word in community.
  • POP-UP Sunday School (Fellowship Hall, First Sundays):
    • Gather the first Sunday of the month for POP-UP Sunday School. Drop in for an interesting topic or guest speaker. Topics will include updates from our mission partners, stories from the history of Second, religion in art, and other important topics facing the modern church.

  • Believing & Belonging (Hospitality Room, Seasonal):
    • Fall Dates: September 15 & 22, 2024
    • Spring Dates: TBA 
    • Join our ministers George Anderson and Elizabeth Link for a seasonal two-week class on what it means to be a Presbyterian, and what it means to be a member of Second Presbyterian Church. This is a great class for visitors and new members! Contact Connie Polly, Engagement Coordinator, with questions.
  • Confirm Not Conform for Adults (Café, Fall Series):
    • Geared toward the parents of confirmands, this short-term companion class will parallel parts of what our youth will be learning in confirmation this year, encouraging conversations at home. Participants will be invited to ask questions they have always wanted to ask and explore their faith from an adult perspective. The emphasis will be on building an authentic faith, and lessons will cover basics on the Bible, creeds, sacraments, and topics which may have been ignored or lost in the mists of time.

  • “The Bible in Black and White”
    • (Wednesdays at 12 Noon, Fellowship Hall)
    • Fall 2024: Oct. 2, 9, 16 & 23, Delivered into Covenant: Pivotal Moments in the Book of Exodus by Walter Brueggemann
    • Spring 2025: TBA
    • The Bible in Black and White is a successful, collaborative Bible study that brings together blacks and whites of various congregations for a month-long Bible study, conversation and community building. The study takes place every fall and spring in the Fellowship Hall of Second Presbyterian Church. The class is led by Drs. Bill Lee and George Anderson. 
  • Men’s Bible Study
    • (Thursdays, 7:15-8:15 a.m., Reading Room/Zoom)
    • Beginning September 12, 2024, the Men’s Bible Study will focus on C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters. While England was experiencing its great test of character during the German Blitz in the summer of 1940, C.S. Lewis began crafting 31 letters from a senior tempter in Hell named Screwtape to his underling nephew Wormwood, with the hope that these letters could provide “reverse” encouragement and hope during those uncertain and scary times. These letters were initially released weekly in a local paper, but we know them today as The Screwtape Letters. During our fall Men’s Bible Study, Carter Brothers will lead our discussion of the timeliness of Lewis’ great satirical work during our own uncertain and scary time, and the key to unpacking its messages of hope and encouragement to us in 2024.
  • Women’s Bible Study
    • (Thursdays, 10:30 a.m., Session Room)
    • Beginning October 3, 2024, the Women’s Bible Study will focus on Marilynne Robinson’s Reading Genesis. In her book, Robinson insists that modern readers have largely misunderstood the literary and theological significance of the Bible. Among the most salient causes of this misunderstanding, she argues, is our tendency to read ancient texts through modern categories—history, myth, fiction, nonfiction—that do not map neatly onto ancient literature. The result is a never-ending and mostly unnecessary debate between those who approach Genesis as a catalog of events and those who read it as mythic pastiche, pieced together from various ancient sources. The goal of Genesis, in her estimation, is not to offer a play-by-play of primeval events but to give a theological account of who God is, who we are, and how we should live together in light of that theology. Join Elizabeth Link this fall as we uncover this ancient text anew.

2PC Clubs

2PC Clubs provide our congregation with opportunities that encourage a sense of community and foster not only established friendships but new ones, as well. We are excited about our club options for the Second Presbyterian Church family this year! Clubs include: Lunch, Restaurant, Supper, Movie, Coffee, Walking, Book, Roots and Wings, Parenting, and Pickleball. If you would like information on joining an existing club, please contact the church.

The Bible in Black & White

The Bible in Black and White is a successful, collaborative Bible Study that began in 2022 and brings together blacks and whites for a month-long Bible study, conversation and community building. The four-to-six-week study takes place every fall and spring in the Fellowship Hall of Second Presbyterian Church.

Fall 2024
  • Wednesdays, Oct. 2, 9, 16 & 23 | 12:00 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
    This fall, the class will be guided by Walter Brueggemann’s book, Delivered into Covenant, and will focus on the last half of the book which was not covered in April’s session.
  • Facilitators: Dr. Bill Lee, Dr. George C. Anderson
  • Sponsoring Churches: Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, High Street Baptist Church, Hill Street Baptist Church, Loudon Ave Christian Church, Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church, Second Presbyterian Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church

The Edmunds Lecture

The Edmunds Lecture Series of Second Presbyterian was established in 1985 by S. Spencer “Buddy” Edmunds as a way of honoring his father’s commitment to joining scholarship with congregational life. Dr. Spencer Edmunds served Second Presbyterian as its Senior Minister from 1923-1941. The lectures continue to attract outstanding preachers and theologians to educate and inspire the Roanoke Valley.

Past lecturers include Ben Witherington III, Bud Robertson, Walter Brueggemann, Barbara Brown Taylor, Miroslov Volf, N.T. Wright, F. Dale Bruner, Brian Blount, Eric Wall, Ted Wardlaw, and Ben Witherington, to name a few.

Original art has been produced for every lecture series since 1999, when Dr. Bud Robertson was the speaker. Each piece depicts the theme of the lecture the year in which it was commissioned. All the works can be found somewhere in the church facilities, with several them hanging in the hallway between the Associate Pastors’ offices. The hope is that the art collection of the church will inspire both memories and theological reflection.

The 2023 Edmunds Lectures took place on November 12 & 13 and featured guest speaker Dr. Peter Enns, Abram S. Clemens Professor of Biblical Studies at Eastern University and founder of The Bible for Normal People podcast. Peter has taught undergraduate, seminary, and doctoral courses at numerous other schools, including Princeton Theological Seminary, Harvard Divinity School, and Temple University. He speaks and writes regularly to diverse audiences about the intersection of the ancient setting of the Bible and contemporary Christian faith; what it means to read the Bible with both eyes open to its problems and challenges, and to its promises and possibilities. Peter is a frequent contributor to journals and encyclopedias, and has written or edited over a dozen books, including The Bible Tells Me So, The Sin of Certainty, and How the Bible Actually Works.

The Edmunds Lecture Series is a biennial series hosted on odd-numbered years. Stay tuned for more information on upcoming lectures.

Evening VBS

Evening VBS is an intergenerational, annual event at Second Pres, and it showcases special opportunities for education and growth for all ages. Evening VBS encompasses four evenings full of fellowship, learning and fun! Each summer, we host an invited speaker to speak for four nights about a specific topic or theme. The event kicks off with a dinner and program. Children (Pre-K – 5th grade) enjoy a special parallel theatre camp, and childcare is available for any younger children attending.

Save the Dates for Evening VBS 2025: June 8-11 (Sun-Wed)! More details to come.

  • Evening VBS 2024 Recap: “Joy Even On Your Worst Days” with Guest Speaker the Rev. Tom Are, Jr.
    • Many thanks to the volunteers who planned and prepared our evening meal, and to our guest speaker the Rev. Tom Are, Jr. Rev. Are helped us explore and expand the meaning of joy through the lens of Paul’s letter to the Philippian church. Though Paul’s context would have been dramatically different from our own, a constant in human life is the reality of suffering. And yet, even on Paul’s worst days, he exhibited a spirit of joy. In this, Paul offers us great inspiration. We were reminded and encouraged that it is Paul’s testimony that when the worst days come—and they will—they do not have to be the end of joy. Indeed, they might be the beginning.
    • Our time together concluded with the wonderful performance of “Joy in My Heart,” a play produced and directed by the Children’s Theatre Camp leader, Meg Griffith. Under her leadership, children of Second Pres. not only learned these meaningful stories, they also found a creative way to share the stories and letters of the Apostle Paul through song and script. It was a beautiful and moving experience for all!

Gals' Gathering

Each fall, women are invited for a weekend of refreshment and nurturing of faith and fellowship.

2024 Gals’ Gathering
  • “Humble Roots” | Fri-Sat, November 15-16 | Alta Mons Retreat Center
    Save the date for our women’s overnight retreat this fall, November 15-16 (Friday-Saturday) at Alta Mon’s Retreat Center in Shawsville, VA, just 40 minutes from the church. Our guest speaker will be renowned author and speaker, Hannah Anderson. Throughout our weekend together we’ll explore our theme and reflect on Jesus’ words from Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Come learn humility from the lilies of the field and from the One who is humility Himself. Remember who you are and who you are not, and rediscover the rest that comes from belonging to Him. Rest your mind, body, and soul at Gals’ Gathering overnight retreat, 2024.
  • The cost for the retreat is $100 per person. See the brochure for more information.
  • Registration and payment are due by Friday, November 1.

Men's Retreat

This event provides an opportunity for men of all ages to gather for a relaxing weekend of fellowship, build connection with one another and with God, and engage in discussion about work-life balance and what it means to be a Christian today. The Men’s Retreat event was first held in November of 2019 followed by a few years of missed opportunities. Our goal is to make this an annual event.

2024 Men’s Retreat
  • “Rock of Ages: Evolving Sound, Evolving Faith” | Fri-Sat, November 8-9 | Eagle Eyrie Conference Center
    We hope you will save the date for our Men’s Retreat this November 8-9 (Friday-Saturday) at Eagle Eyrie Conference Center in Lynchburg, VA, an 80-minute drive from the church. Our guest speaker will be the Rev. Chris Vogado, Pastor of Salem Presbyterian Church. Over several sessions we will explore together the evolution of Rock N’ Roll music starting with the Big Band era, to iconic groups and singers of the 1960s, and on to the present day. As we consider the past, present, and future of popular music, we might just find some very interesting parallels that inform the past, present, and perhaps the future direction of the mainline church in our country. In the words of Sonny and Cher, “The beat goes on” and so too does our faith and new expressions of church.
  • The cost for the retreat is $75 per person. See the brochure for more information.
  • Registration and payment are due by Friday, October 25.

Kairos Worship & Study

(Wednesdays in Lent) – Kairos is an ancient Greek word that means “the right or opportune moment.” It has been used over the centuries to describe time for spiritual reflection, and even, to put it simply, “God’s time.” For the Wednesdays in Lent, we invite you to create space in your week to experience the Holy.

2024 Kairos Offerings: This year we offered a blended format for Kairos worship. Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday services were held in person at the church, and midweek Kairos video reflections (“Home Videos”) were made available via our church YouTube channel and Facebook page in the weeks between.

Trent Getaway Church Retreat

The Trent Getaway Church Retreat at Eagle Eyrie Conference Center outside of Lynchburg, VA is a weekend of intergenerational fellowship which provides opportunities to study, worship, grow spiritually, make new friends, and enjoy time in recreation! A mere hour away from Roanoke, Eagle Eyrie provides accessible hotel style accommodations with a dining hall to meet all tastes and needs. Programs and activities are available for all ages.

  • 2024 Retreat: August 16-18
    • Guest Speaker: Rev. Anna George Traynham, pastor of Shallowford Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA.
    • Retreat Theme: “I Love to Tell the Story.” Stories carry incredible power in our lives. Stories from our families tell us where we came from. Stories from our scriptures show us who God is. The stories we tell about ourselves shape who we are today. In our time together, we will explore stories of identity, faith, challenge, and wonder, as we seek to learn more about ourselves, each other, and God. We will listen to stories from scripture, books, and pop culture, and we will have a chance to tell stories of our own.