Pastoral Staff
All three of our full time ministers provide pastoral care for church members of all ages. In addition, we have a part time Parish Associate for Visitation, Nancy Gray. This team approach helps us to provide consistent care for our large congregation.
Visitation Committee
Our pastoral staff are greatly assisted by a group of lay volunteers. These visitors provide care, friendship, and connection for other members who are home-bound, ill, or in need of support. The Visitation Committee meets monthly to ensure that the needs of our community are met.
Flower Delivery Ministry
Every Sunday after worship, the flowers from the Sanctuary are divided into small vases and delivered to home-bound members. The list rotates weekly, so each person on the list should receive a visit with flowers at least once a month. To sign up to be a flower deliverer, contact Linda Shiner.
Second Family
Second Family is a community of care within the church that primarily provides receptions following memorial services. Members prepare and serve food and serve as hosts for the reception that allows those who grieve a chance to visit with family and friends.