At its May 2020 meeting, the session of Second Presbyterian church approved a plan to allow both on-site and online worship beginning on June 14, 2020. Second Presbyterian continues to evolve the ways in which we can best offer worship during the COVID-19 pandemic in consultation with health professionals and under CDC guidelines. Visit our WORSHIP TIMES page to learn more.
Safety Protocol for On-Site Worship
- Those who have symptoms of illness or who have been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 within two weeks are asked to worship online.
- Please allow for distancing that makes sense (families and separate households).
- Donations are appreciated and can be placed in designated receptacles.
- Outdoor visits are encouraged for catching up.
- Greeters, ushers, and pastors will welcome questions and offer guidance.
The church, like businesses and social activities, will have to be innovative and adaptive to changing circumstances. However, no matter what we become, the church’s calling is to be what is has always been: the church of Jesus Christ. The great ends of the church as illustrated in Acts 2 and 4 must be pursued even if by different means.
Whether near or far, the church will continue to . . .
- We will continue to worship in person and online through live streaming and by preserving the services on various platforms (church website, Second on the Mount podcasts, YouTube channel, Facebook).
- For information on safety protocols regarding on-site worship, please visit our WORSHIP TIMES page.

Seek truth through education:
- Weekly Sunday School lessons and Small Group studies are offered for all ages on a variety of platforms including hybrid in person and via Zoom, and on YouTube. New episodes continue to be produced for the Child of God with The Rev. Elizabeth Link podcast. Contact the church for more information.
Provide a witness of God’s kingdom to the world:
- We will be proactive in responding to the needs of Roanoke and beyond. We recognize that right now a priority will be to respond to crisis needs that arise because of fallout from the pandemic. The Service and Outreach Committee is regularly communicating with key ministries and strategically will channel funds where most needed.
- Outreach Offering: Our congregation’s response to the Local Relief Offering over the last 17 months has been overwhelming. You gave over $90,000 to the community during a time of great, unprecedented need. Throughout that time, we supported many local agencies as they worked to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the world opens up more, the initial crisis of the pandemic has eased a bit. Therefore, as of September 1, 2021, we have transitioned away from the Local Relief Offering. However, the need in our community remains. As such, we will return to a monthly loose plate collection named the Outreach Offering in support of a designated agency or cause. To donate, designate a check or online gift to “Outreach Offering.”
Helpful Conversations
Church Resource Links
- Live Stream
- YouTube
- Online Giving
- Podcasts (Second on the Mount and Child of God)
- Sermons
- Zoom
- 21-Day Racial Justice Challenge
- “Music for Healing” by Marianne Sandborg