Seeing God: DR Bibles & Bricks Youth Mission Trip

July 14, 2022 | Written by Philip Smith.
This week has been so much more than I expected before going on this trip. Going from the comfort of home, with air conditioning, video games, and friends all around to hang out with was definitely a challenge, but it was days like Wednesday that make it all worth it.
We began in VBS where we played games and learned about God with dozens of Dominican children. It was fun, but I didn’t quite feel the same connection as I had when I went to VBS the first day.
But that all changed when I ventured into the barrios right behind Solid Rock International’s guesthouse. Within seconds of entering the neighborhood, I was greeted by young boys eager to throw the football with me. As we walked down the street we gained more and more kids, some of who wanted to come play with us while others just wanted to be with us.
I saw God in the eyes of these children while they were riding up on our shoulders, and I saw God in the pure joy that their smiles brought to the group.
I am so glad I got to experience the pure elation that those children exude, and I know I will carry on the memories and experiences that God has gifted me on this trip for the rest of my life.